
Archetype Project to create an OpenCms Module with Maven.

OpenCms is a Content Management System that is based on Open Source Software. Complex Intranet and Internet websites can be quickly and cost-effectively created, maintained and managed.


This archetypes allows you to generate a template for an OpenCms Module Package.
So, creating the template of the Opencms-Module is as easy as executing:

mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=

Select option 1, set properties and that's all!

Example Properties to set

after calling 'mvn archetype:generate' the following Properties must be defined.

Choose archetype:
1: ... -> opencms-module-archetype (Create an OpenCms Module with Maven. Version 1.0)
Choose a number:  (1): 1
Define value for property 'groupId': : at.infonova.opencms.modules.demo
Define value for property 'artifactId': : at.infonova.opencms.modules.demo.content
Define value for property 'version': 1.0-SNAPSHOT: 
Define value for property 'package': at.infonova.opencms.modules.demo: at.infonova.opencms.modules.demo.content
Define value for property 'projectName': : Demo Module Content

The artifactId should be a full qualified name. This will be the name of your OpenCms Module.


  • Quickstart:
    After generating your module, you can now create an working Module with "mvn install". It generates a JAR and a ZIP archiv. The ZIP-Archiv can be imported into OpenCms.
    "mvn eclipse:eclipse" generates your Eclipse configurations and classpath. It attaches also the OpenCms-Sources to the Libraries.
  • Maven:
    The generated Module is completly build with Maven.
    So you can use all Maven-Report Plugins you want.
    The Maven Release-Plugin works also fine.
  • Unit-Test Support:
    This Archetype generate an OpenCms Module Action implementation "" and a JUnit Test "" for it.
    The Cobertura Test Coverage Report produce an report with 100% line coverage (the five lines of the hello world example).